Earlier this week in a MOP Up post we cast a light on Grounded, a survivalbox that tasks players with living in the wilds of a backyard as shrunken-down characters in a pretty obvious nod to a classic film, and its final patch before launch. We circle back to that patch’s notes and the addition of a self-described “secret feature” that should make it easier to go on multiplayer among friends.
This feature is known as shared worlds and it works similarly to a standard world except the server itself is stored on the cloud, effectively making it shareable with friends and letting them access the server even when the primary host isn’t online. Players can own up to three shared worlds at any given time, standard worlds can be made shared worlds from the save/load menu (and vice versa), and all progress made on a shared world will be saved regardless of who hosts it.
The feature is considered to be in a beta state and so there could be some issues with it, but overall it sounds like multiplayer survival is much more available than it has been before.