New World delays testing of Fellowship and Fire on the PTS over a late-hour bug


We hope you did not base your entire evening plans around accessing New World’s private test server because Amazon announced this afternoon that the test server will not be made available after all. The studio had originally promised that Fellowship and Fire – the MMO’s inaugural first season and its associated content – would roll out to the PTS today, but now the studio says it found a bug during internal testing that could not be fixed prior to deployment. Amazon did not elaborate on the exact nature of the bug.

“We know many of you are excited for the PTR and wanted to share an update with you all. Unfortunately the PTR will not be available today February 23rd due to an issue that was discovered late in testing. We are working hard to get this build into players hands as soon as possible and we will provide an update in this thread with more specifics about when the PTR will open as soon as we are able.”

Notably missing is any sort of firm timescale for when fans can expect the test server to come online, with nothing but a promise but to provide updates for players in the same thread as soon as possible. Whatever bug derailed the planned launch is clearly meant to be fixed sooner rather than later, so hopefully those awaiting the chance to test the past or just tool around with new toys in said patch can find other ways to entertain themselves.

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