Once upon a time, a very smart woman was looking at an MMO’s design document. “We have pet classes for people who are scared of handling content alone and need a pet to learn the mechanics,” she said, “but what about having an adorable little thing to follow behind you?” She explained by gesturing at the small version of herself that had been following behind her and falling over for the past half hour. Her team was amazed, and that woman’s name was Florence Q. Minipet-Jones who went on to become the head designer of World of Warcraft.
Is that story true? Absolutely not even a little bit. (Florence Q. Minipet-Jones is actually a librarian in Winnipeg, for example.) But the point is that we all love having a little creature following behind us and performing animations. He don’t protec, he don’t attac, he simply stays cute and watches your bac. So what’s your favorite MMO minipet? What little bundle of functionless cuteness is your bosom buddy as you go through your game of choice?