Woe be unto the age in which we live, for the light of frivolity is lessening and the night grows ever longer thanks to fewer prehistoric creatures cutting loose on the disco floor. We are sorry to be the bearer of such devastating news, but say it we must: Dungeons and Dragons Online no longer has as many “party dinosaurs” as it once did.
Babies wail and mothers weep at this revelation, which comes as part of the notes for Update 58.1, which went live yesterday. In addition from demoting dinos to a non-shindig status, SSG tweaked some of its newer class archetypes and added a nice quality-of-life feature that points you toward the nearest quest in wilderness zones. But point you toward the nearest party? That has yet to happen.
The studio also announced that it’s brought back character transfers after a month of the service being offline: “We are extending the After Party of the hardcore season through March 21st, with the After Party ending when we bring the game worlds down for weekly maintenance on March 22nd. Additionally, we are re-enabling free character transfers to Orien and Sarlona through March 21st, ending when we bring the game worlds down for weekly maintenance on March 22nd.”