Ashes of Creation shows off story arc systems and a spooky tower, claims Alpha 2 is ‘not years away’


We’re just entering the month of April, which means that Ashes of Creation has put forth yet another monthly development livestream for March to keep followers abreast of where the FFA PvP sandbox is in terms of development and its slow march to Alpha 2. And the stream does open by addressing that elephant in the room. Sort of.

A YouTube commenter question asks if the game’s next alpha phase is months or years away, prompting creative director Steven Sharif to provide a vague timetable while also assuring viewers that Intrepid Studios is following an internal timetable. “We are not years away from Alpha 2, but also Alpha 2 is not right around the corner,” he said. “We made a promise to the community that we would not give dates again in the future unless we were very certain we were going to hit those dates.”

The largest portion of the stream was related to another gameplay preview from in Alpha 2 that showcased the lore and location of Carphin as well as the MMORPG’s story arc systems. Story arcs look very similar to public events in other MMOs in that they tick off in certain zones and spawn unique monsters and quest NPCs, but they can also change the environment in a variety of ways. Both the full livestream and the Carphin quest preview await below.

sources: Twitch, YouTube
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