Yesterday saw the 100-ton news bomb of Star Wars: The Old Republic changing hands from BioWare to Broadsword Games drop on the genre’s collective head, kicking off a whole swath of reactions across the internet.
Some of the biggest responses are (naturally) coming out of the SWTOR subreddit, as players wring their hands with worry over the MMORPG’s future, ponder what updates will look like going forward, and consider that the game’s writing was already on the wall. Sprinkled in-between it all are presumptions of Broadsword and people considering that this was the best possible outcome.
One person who believes this is also an overall good move is MMO dev Damion Schubert, who tries to take a big-picture look at the deal and what it means for the companies involved. His argument effectively boils down to SWTOR meaning bigger ROI for a smaller studio like Broadsword versus a significantly larger one like EA, though that’s still predicated on how much of a cut EA takes.
“When you look at it that way – where is the best place to spend your investment – supporting MMOs makes less sense. But if you’re a company like Broadsword, that smaller return looks like an absolute bonanza,” Schubert reasons.