Elder Scrolls Online’s big crafting festival returns this week


With such a heavy emphasis on crafting in Elder Scrolls Online, it makes perfect sense that ZeniMax might whip up a festival that caters to the creators. And so the Zeal of Zenithar event returns this week to reward diligent crafters with extra rewards.

“During the event, the first time you complete the daily quest each day, you receive a Zenithar’s Sublime Parcel box as a bonus reward. Each subsequent completion of the Honest Toil quest during that same day rewards you with a Zenithar’s Delightful Parcel box,” ZeniMax explained.

Additional parcels may be earned in group arenas and acts of thievery. These contain outfit styles, crafting mats, boosters, recipes, treasure maps, and more. Zeal of Zenithar starts July 27th and continues through August 8th, with global modifiers running to reduce wayshrine travel costs and repair costs while increasing crafting inspiration.

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