RuneScape is now one week away from releasing the Necromancy skill, which means that Jagex is shoveling coal into the hype engine as it readies for the launch with some more details about the skill’s combat mechanics and some new gameplay footage – as well as a singular focus on Necromancy polish that sees the MMORPG skip a patch this week.
The combat-centric dev blog outlines a gameplay style that “rewards the casual adventurer and the newbie, while also offering an immensely powerful toolset for combat-hardened experts deep into their theorycraft.” The post also promises an in-depth tutorial for the skill, outlines how abilities change depending on main hand and off-hand weapon use along with a dive into the Skull Lantern off-hand weapon, talks about the spellbook-like incantations the Necromancer uses, and provides a rundown of skill-specific gear.
If you’re the sort who would rather watch Necromancy in action instead, then Jagex has also put out a new gameplay trailer that effectively pulls together all of the studio’s previous deep-dives and condenses them into about a minute-and-a-half worth of in-game footage. Or a sizzle reel in other words. That video awaits below.
Meanwhile in Old School RuneScape, the second part of the forestry activity is the talk of the town, with closer looks at propsed new features including boosts to current leaves, the addition of campfires and tea sipping (yes please), new events, and new weapons and armor.
The post also has a timeline for forestry part two’s release, starting with a Discord stages call scheduled for August 2nd (instead of August 1st as originally announced), a post about feedback on August 3rd, polling from August 7th through the 14th, and beta for the activity’s update sometime in early September.