Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen followers might know that Visionary Realms has been seeking influencer and content creator partnerships for some time now, but one of the more intriguing results of those efforts has only just recently surfaced, as YouTuber and Pantheon backer Redbeardflynn has provided video impressions of the MMORPG’s pre-alpha build – a rarity given the media NDA.
Flynn remarks on the hard-set roles that the game’s classes fall in to, noting his time as a Dire Lord felt like a classic tank that was all about holding aggro versus his Monk play time that was focused on DPS. “If you’re looking for an MMORPG that puts class inter-dependency first, Pantheon feels like it’s not just paying lip service to it,” he notes in the video. That said, he also notes that solo play is more than possible, but grouping with others felt more beneficial.
On the subject of grouping, Flynn also shared his experiences within a group in a dungeon delve, discussing how communication and tactical decision-making was critical to success, especially in light of the variety of enemy behavior dispositions that he called “no f**king joke.” Flynn additionally calls attention to the challenge level of Pantheon and notes it as a net positive, even in the early levels where other MMORPGs primarily focus on tutorials.
Other segments of the video highlight harvesting and crafting, with particular focus on group harvesting gameplay; the surprising size of the world and exploration of it, along with its ties to the perception system; and some overall impressions of the game as it stands. It’s 25 minutes of worthy watching that can be found below.