WRUP: Become a roost for hundreds to thousands of bats with our new Man-to-Cave transformation system edition


Men! Are you struggling to attract a mate? Do other people find you boorish and obnoxious? Are you unable to change this because your interests are themselves boorish and obnoxious, like feeling the need to inform everyone in the room that you refuse to eat foods with too many vowels in the name and ranting about how you dislike popular things? Well you can turn your fortunes around now with our revolutionary Man-to-Cave transformation system!

Our patented technique will turn you from a boring man with the personality of a baked potato into a large rocky crevice that can host hundreds or even thousands of bats. The bats will hide inside of you and go out later at night to catch bugs. They will also poop all over the place and locate prey using a sophisticated form of natural sonar called echolocation. Bats are the only flying mammal!

“How will this help me attract a mate?” you ask. And to that, we say shut the hell up. If you’re so smart why are you single? To apply, read this intro to What Are You Playing. Bats!

Bonus question: Were you afraid of the dark? Are you still?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Oh boy, I got a Splatoon 3 challenge Saturday and a big Pokemon Go event Sunday, plus I’ve been hitting Orna harder than usual since most (but certainly not all) mnemonic hunts seem to spawn closer to my interaction range from home now, rather than forcing me to wander around a neighborhood looking suspicious.

Dark is fine, it’s what I thought I’d see that was the problem. Night lights sometimes only made things worse. Honestly, if I had a kid, I’d try getting them a sleeping mask first! The only thing I worry about now is tripping or bumping into stuff.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I am gonna pause leveling in Lord of the Rings Online and probably do some Halloween festival. I don’t think I’ll have time, but I wanted to check out the events in Star Wars Galaxies Legends too. But my weekends are just too packed right now. We’ll see!

Not so much the dark, more like my imagination taking advantage of literally anything including the dark to mess with me. I have never had any problem freaking myself out in broad daylight, so what’s dark got on that? Someday, though, the stairs creepers are gonna reach through that railing and grab my ankles on the way to the bathroom at 4 a.m., watch.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I think most of my gaming time will be focused on Final Fantasy XIV, but there is some LOTRO still to do as well. I was sort of hoping the latest Forza Motorsport would be a primary feature but it is very bug-riddled and so that’s probably going to sit on a back burner for a bit.

I’m not really afraid of the dark but I used to be, but not really so much that it impaired me. Just a slight bit of raised tension and awareness that doesn’t really seem to be abnormal.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Assembling a Halloween costume, playing FFXIV, and maybe playing some 30XX. There’s no reason for that last one, I just like the game and haven’t fully digested it since it properly launched.

I actually used to be really scared of the dark and really uncomfortable with horror films. This is probably a surprise to anyone who knows how much I’m a horror fan these days, but it’s true. It’s all true. These days it doesn’t really bother me and usually I can’t sleep with any light around me, so it’s all different.

Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I am not going to decide in advance what I am playing this weekend. It will depend on who is available to play with me.

I like the dark. I liked it a lot as a kid too, except for when our cat, Rosie, would use the cover of night to stage an ankle-biting ambush.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I think I’ll be largely offline gaming this weekend. I tried to get back into New World but it wasn’t sticking with me. We’re thinking about playing Frosthaven, the follow up to Gloomhaven, which is a big campaign boardgame. So that’ll be fun to do.

Bonus: I think I was somewhat scared as an elementary age kid. I remember keeping my plastic toy sword in bed with me to fight off any monsters that might show up over night. But I don’t think it was ever a case of dread or anything.

Tyler Edwards (blog): I might have a D&D game, I might try some NextFest demos, but realistically I’ll probably stay focused on New World.

Bonus question: I was very afraid of the dark as a child. I’m over it now, but between having a night light back then and spending most of my adult life in a major city where it’s never fully dark, I can’t sleep in total darkness. It just feels weird.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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