You can either chalk it up to the inescapable march of time and technology, shrug indifferently that older games are just dust in the wind anyway, or sigh at another reminder that “always online” games were always a horrible idea. However you feel about the news, both Ubisoft and Electronic Arts are wrapping up support for several older games in one form or another.
In EA’s case, support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 is ending for multiplayer shooters Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, and Star Wars: Battlefront II on Thursday, November 30th. The decision is explained as a way to ensure safe play for all players, while the company confirmed that it “can no longer guarantee functionality of these titles while playing on these operating systems after this date.” This means the FPS most notable for its monetization practices rousing Disney’s ire, government investigations, and record-breaking gamer rancor while executives conflated buying lootboxes with “pride and accomplishment” is now dropping older Windows operating systems.
Meanwhile, Ubisoft has confirmed the “decommissioning” of online services for 10 different games’ multiplayer functionality by January 25th, 2024. This shutdown affects titles like Heroes of Might and Magic VI, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and four different older entries in the Assassin’s Creed series.