RIFT brings Unicornalia around once more


What RIFT may lack right now in terms of regular content update cadence, it hopefully makes up in unicorns. That’s the hope of the Unicornalia event, a regular recurring event in the game in which players do daily quests for unicorns. That’s it. And lest it be in any way unclear, that is not a bad thing. You go to Unicornalia, you do your daily quests, and you earn Chaos Motes, which you turn in to get unicorns to ride around on. This is, in fact, the platonic ideal.

Unicornalia offers you four daily quests in Meridian, Sanctum, or Tempest Bay for you to complete every day. You spend them for mounts. If this sounds like a delightful unicorn-filled time, be sure to jump on it before the event ends on July 23rd; the game can’t have people becoming overwhelmed with unicorns. The unicorns have to remain novel and exciting. They’re unicorns. Those are special.

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