Corepunk’s current paid alpha four appeared to be going well over the course of this week, barring a few issues with the EU and Korean servers – but the fun ride is over, as players apparently exploited a bug in the test build that has led Artificial Core to conclude an outright wipe is the only way forward.
“We’ve discovered several exploits that make some level 20 players extremely powerful, which would severely disrupt the late game,” the studio announced this morning. “Because of this, we will need to perform a progress wipe today, and all characters will be deleted.”
“We want to emphasize that we take wipes very seriously and consider them a last resort. We understand how much effort you’ve put into your characters, and we always try to avoid wipes at any cost. However, this situation leaves us no choice, as it threatens the integrity of the test for everyone. We really wanted to avoid a wipe, but after assessing the situation, we see that a small yet critical number of players have already taken advantage of these exploits. This is not the fault of the players, and we are grateful for your help in identifying these issues.”
The team does say it’ll boost experience gain from monsters and quests by 40% for an unspecified duration to allow players to catch back up easily. “Additionally, we’ll be unlocking 40 quests that were previously disabled.”