Fractured Online upgrades its engine, applies quality-of-life updates, and extends its free play once again


Today marks a pretty significant update for the sandbox Fractured Online, as the latest patch has applied an engine upgrade and several quality-of-life features that hopefully mark an improvement for the MMORPG’s players and developers alike.

The post opens by noting an update to Unity 2022.3 and explaining the reasons for the full engine upgrade, including laying blame on the old engine for recent server crashes. Not only will this help to lessen those events, Dynamight Studios also says the upgrade paves the way for “many potential client and server performance improvements.”

The rest of the patch is almost exclusively focused on QoL: On the settings side of things, players can now invert mouse controls (right-click to move, left-click to attack) to emulate a MOBA/RTS control scheme, quick casting an ability where a cursor falls can be disabled, cursors can be customized to be brighter and easier to see, and monster names can be seen on mouseover.

Other QoL changes include mounting up taking one second as opposed to four, smarter casting that targets foes with clicks even as a friendly unit is close by, combat mode no longer being triggered by attacks that hit no target (meaning players can use combative jumping abilities to get to resource nodes), and an alert in the book of knowledge that points out how XP gain is halted when attacking an enemy with 100% knowledge gain. These updates are on top of a list of bug fixes.

Finally, the free week promotion that Dynamight has extended once before is being extended again; players will be able to enjoy the game for free from now until September 9th.

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