New World’s latest Aeternum videos spotlight the MMORPG’s settlements, factions, and allies


New World’s cavalcade of videos that direct potential new console players to the game continues, and much like some of the previous episodes, the latest duo are exactly revelatory, even for console gamers. For instance, did you know that this game has towns?

All right, we are being a little facetious here, but the first video does indeed point out that there is a wide assortment of settlements, towns, and outposts dotted across the world of Aeternum and hints at the MMORPG’s housing. There’s also a nod in the latter half of the video to the three factions players can join and the rewards they can earn for completing their objectives. The second video homes in on NPC allies, from trainers to quest-givers

As a reminder, we’re just over a week away from the open beta for PC and console when you can see some of these settlements yourself, but if you really want a tour of towns while Grace O’Malley talks in your ear, that waits below.

source: YouTube
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