SMITE 2 adds Poseidon, Thor, and Cupid and makes general changes in its latest closed alpha patch


Whether you want to make opponents thunderstruck, lovestruck, or… waterstruck? Splashed? Moistened? Either way, the latest patch for SMITE 2 has added three new gods to choose from that grant those options in the closed alpha (which continues to be accessible by opening your wallet).

The big ticket feature for Update 7 is the addition of Poseidon, Thor, and Cupid from the original MOBA to the sequel, each of whom appear to have their abilities intact – and have even learned a couple of new tricks in the case of Thor and Cupid.

The patch has also brought a round of balance adjustments to the current roster and items, applied support for several GPU-specific upscaling features, made a number of updates to Conquest mode AI bots, and applied a lengthy list of fixes.

sources: press release, official site
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