APB Reloaded patches in cross-district matchmaking and new anti-cheat, readies a Christmas event December 18


This week brought in a fresh patch to the rebuilding MMO APB Reloaded as developer Little Orbit continues to try to modernize the aged game with a couple of new features, specifically by adding new matchmaking functionality and some new anti-cheat tech.

Matchmaking will now work across districts, which should now draw from a player pool that reaches across the game’s population to draw in opposite faction foes to fight, leaving players to do other activities while they wait for a match. The devs do expect this to have some bugs still considering the massive undertaking this feature represents, but there are plans for matchmaking to be expanded while in any kind of district and eventually draw in players cross-world.

As for the anti-cheat software, APB is using SARD anti-cheat, with three layers of protection that include regular inspections, kernel driver detections, and backend server-side analysis. This new tech has also brought on new policies for cheating: Those found to be cheating with 100% confidence by Little Orbit face bans, while those who the studio isn’t quite confident were cheating will instead receive “cheat points” that limit potential bad actors from gameplay features.

Last but certainly not least, Christmas is coming to San Paro on Wednesday, December 18th. Players can look forward to seasonal weapons that can be used for snowball fights, the return of beacon festivities with five rotating minigames, plans for a design contest, and a new stock of seasonal goodies like new titles and weapon skins.

source: official site (1, 2)
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