The weekly patch for RuneScape is once again about tuning and adjusting existing content instead of adding all-new things to do, but then that would certainly make sense in the wider scheme of things overall, particularly with regards to Ironman, the higher echelons of Woodcutting and Fletching, and its most recent quest.
As one might also expect, these adjustments are pretty granular, including fixes for bowmaking tooltips and returned materials, several fixes for Beneath Scabaras’ Sands, and the option for Ironman players to change their minds about downgrading a character from the mode. There are also a wide swath of general changes made to the game and its visuals that are outlined in the patch notes.
Also of note: The opening of the MMORPG’s weekly newsletter acknowledges the consternation caused by its subscriber survey, pointing out that while the newsletter still reads like business as usual, it isn’t ignoring the problem. “We know there are underlying points for us to still address, and much more we need to do to regain your trust,” it reads in part. “If your feedback on the survey is the only thing you want to keeping discussing, please do so while we continue working on addressing your concerns.”