Transfer or be transferred: Here’s what to expect from Throne & Liberty’s big server merge


Earlier this week, Amazon’s Tico Talks video touched lightly on the studio’s planned merges for Throne & Liberty’s global edition, and now today, we’re getting a granular look at what exactly that process entails, though not yet who is actually merging.

“In order to normalize player distribution across our current servers and provide you with a stable and refreshed experience, we are making the following adjustments to our servers over 3 phases,” the studio says. “The auction house will be consolidated on February 6 PT, followed by an open transfer period from February 13 PT until February 27 PT, and the server consolidation on February 27 PT. Look forward to additional buffs, daily login rewards, and more throughout the open transfer window.”

Do note that the auction house consolidation mentioned isn’t just for the merging servers; it’s for all of them, as servers will all see their auction halls combined into larger groupings by region and platform. (PlayStation 5 players, for example, will not be party to this consolidation.)

Moreover, if you’re not happy with your destination server, you’ll be able to make use of a free transfer to move somewhere different ahead of the merges. If you don’t move yourself, you’ll be moved automatically with the merges.

As T&L noted earlier this week, the affected servers are all merging into new servers (with each other), not into existing servers, so existing servers won’t be particularly disrupted. More info is apparently en route next week in regard to which servers are being merged and what the post-consolidation siege calendar will look like.

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