Pax Dei’s Grace system that lets players pay gold for gathering and crafting boons goes live


It’s said that you have to spend money to make money, but what if you spent money to get miracle powers that boost your crafting output so you can make money? That’s a very general synopsis for Pax Dei’s Grace system, which has officially come online for the sandbox MMORPG as promised.

For those who haven’t been following along, this system lets players earn a resource known as grace by either logging in daily or paying for it with in-game gold. This resource can then be spent to add boosts such as improved gathering yield or hour-long improvements to crafting profession success. Grace has no cap, but it will have increasingly higher gold costs until a real-time 24-hour timer resets.

Mainframe Industries points out that these are just the first series of things players can do with grace, as future updates will introduce more powerful versions of miracles and new additions like boosts to travel speed. The rest of the patch is mostly focused on fixing and adjusting existing content including bug fixes for market stalls, improvements to world interaction priority, and UI updates, among several others.

source: Discord (1, 2)
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