Blade & Soul NEO shares a narrative teaser as it inches toward its western launch


With a week left before Blade & Soul NEO finally arrives to players in the west, NCsoft has decided to start calling attention to the remastered MMO by sharing a narrative-focused animated comic. Just in case there are lorehounds for the game out there.

The video shares the story of Lusung, who touches a tree somewhere and becomes power hungry, apparently? The comic appears to be referencing the character’s Khanda Vihar arc and seems to reinforce the fact that Lusung is just an evil dude – a fact that was pointed out right from the very beginning of the game’s storyline.

More teases are likely to surface as BaS NEO continues to head towards its arrival, but for now the video waits below, and make sure you check out our earlier look from a press event, which shared information on things like monetization, gear upgrading, and PvP features, among other things.

source: YouTube
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