Tower of Fantasy’s publishing switchover to Perfect World is set for February 25


The end of 2024 marked a significant shift for Tower of Fantasy as Tencent-owned Level Infinite confirmed that it would hand publishing of the global version back to Perfect World Games. After about two months, Perfect World – which owns Hotta Studio – has confirmed it will fully take over stewardship for the multiplayer RPG on February 25th with the release of update 4.7.

ToF is more than just a game – it is a cherished dream for Hotta Studio and a promise to our players,” reads a recent address to fans. “This signifies a fresh start and a steadfast commitment from Hotta Studio and PWG to the future of ToF.”

The message to players also came with a brief Q&A section, which confirmed plans for cross-platform and cross-progression later in the year, a plan to bring the global version’s updates roughly one to two weeks behind the Chinese version’s content cadence, and a promise to maintain open communications with players.

Meanwhile, the game has temporarily closed purchasing of in-game items and is currently wrestling with character data transfer problems for Apple users; the most recent update is providing additional instructions for affected fans.

A publisher trade-off isn’t the only thing happening on the 25th, as the RPG will also be getting a new character known as Antoria who wields Starfall Radiance, a set of drones that can fuse into swords, fire lasers, or slice up foes in rapid succession. The trailer showcasing this upcoming simulacrum awaits below.

sources: Twitter (1, 2, 3), official site (1, 2), YouTube
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