Lord of the Rings Online devs talk about Rivendell housing and a new homestead currency


Providing a welcome distraction from the ongoing saga of Lord of the Rings Online’s troubled server transfers was a new We Have a Cave Troll dev stream on Thursday that discussed, among other things, the new premium Rivendell housing that’s on the way to the game.

The Elf-themed housing has been teased and expected in the past, as the devs have already created Dwarf, Human, and Hobbit-themed premium neighborhoods. The Rivendell housing will feature six player abodes and one kinship hall per iteration. The team also floated the possibility of Umbar and Winter-home housing as interesting places for future development.

Other topics in the stream included a revamp of Lalia’s Market to better show off store options, the idea of “homestead coins” as a new premium currency for players to use to buy special housing items, and continued work on the downscale, hobbies, and kinship systems.

Source: YouTube
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