33 Immortals begins its multiplayer roguelike fight out of early access hell and lays out an update roadmap


This week begins another game’s climb from the depths of early access to the ideal heights of a fully launched release. 33 Immortals, the co-op multiplayer roguelike with MMO-esque raid content from Thunder Lotus that tasks players with teaming up to escape from hell, has officially started its journey with an early access release on PC via the Epic Games Store and Microsoft’s Xbox Store, the Xbox X|S consoles, and for Game Pass subscribers.

Ahead of early access, the studio put out an early access roadmap for this year that grants a general look at update plans for the title, including a focus on stability and improvements through spring; new features like an unexplained ordeal system, private lobby options, and additional trainings in summer; a new world known as Paradiso; and a new a new boss and new monsters in autumn.

“We’re building this game with you, and we read and appreciate every thought you share with us. Please keep doing so, and let’s make 33 Immortals the best game it can be, together,” the studio says.

Early access is also being marked by a community event between now and March 25th where players can watch streamers from one of three “teams” to get an in-game cape, then wear that cape while playing the game in order to earn points and reach milestones for rewards like emotes, weapon skins, and a rare pet.

MOP’s Sam took the game for a spin last summer and found it promising (and gorgeous).

source: official site (1, 2)
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