LOTRO resumes 64-bit server transfers, but only to the roleplay servers as it works on ‘peak population concerns’


The trials, travails, and transfers of Lord of the Rings Online continue as the playerbase continues to move over to the four new 64-bit servers. Standing Stone Games’ devs said that they “planned for massive success and saw numbers that blew [their] expectations out of the water,” an event that was both a good and bad problem to handle.

The studio reported this morning that it has reopened transfers to the Peregrin (US RP) and Meriadoc (EU RP) shards. More intriguingly, it’s also opened transfers from Orcrist (EU) to Meriadoc (EU RP) on Friday while locking down any further influx to Orcrist (EU) and Glamdring (US) for the time being. It is not yet allowing other cross-transfers yet, though originally such transfers were on the schedule (but have obviously been delayed). Also, housing continues to be closed until further notice.

“It simply didn’t make sense to further exacerbate the peak population concerns on Glamdring and Orcrist by reopening transfers to those worlds at this time,” said the game’s community manager, presumably referring to effects like the login queues we saw last weekend. “We’ll be sorting through this concern, but the other worlds didn’t need to wait for it, and offering people the chance to move from Orcrist to Meriadoc to ease the burden and give people the chance to correct mistakes fit as well.

Source: Discord, LOTRO
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