Palia is eyeing its next patch for a launch next week on Tuesday, March 25th. Its name? The Tinker & Timber update.
“Build and bounce into the Tinker & Timber update!” Singularity 6 says. “This patch is tailor-made for you crafty creatives and arduous adventurers, offering new ways to decorate and turn your Housing Plot into your own personal playpen.”
The brief features list suggests two new decor sets (sandbox and builder’s), the ability to gift mystery outfits, and the usual assortment of cash-shop stuff. And yes, Palia is teasing… something… for April Fools’ Day, so stay tuned for that! Note that the accompanying video shows absolutely humungous versions of some of the stuffies, jumbo stuffy kites, and playground equipment including some sort of goofy trampoline – that’s the “bounce,” apparently. We’re here for chonky froge, though.
Of course, what players are really hungry for is the launch of the big Elderwood update and console release, which will hopefully include the game’s official launch out of beta; according to EG7’s Q4 2024 investor report, we should be expecting all that in Q2 – so the next three months.