Albion Online’s new gathering gear helps you get the goods - 25Have you ever wondered how strange it was that your fantasy MMO character ends up doing grunt work like farming, mining, or baking apple pecan pies with delicate flaky crusts…
Camelot Unchained attacks its own test server with an army of bots - While it's always important to get players on to test servers for that human element, what if you need a huge army of characters on demand that never give up?…
Kickstarted survival sandbox Planet Nomads hits early access on April 18 - Planet Nomads is one of those gorgeous sci-fi multiplayer survival sandboxes that's been kicking around on our Make My MMO list for so long that I'd almost forgotten about it.…
Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on the benefits of the ‘mega map’ - Try saying "mega map" 10 times fast! This week's Around the Verse does indeed cover the heck out of Star Citizen's mega map. Lead Gameplay Programmer Rob Johnson says that the…
Meet City of Titans’ six heroic archetypes - Thanks to some website spring cleaning, City of Titans made a previously hidden article visible to the masses. This particular page outlines the upcoming superhero MMO's six archetypes, their mottos, and…
Crowfall reflects on its ‘unrelenting series of updates’ - It's a little hard to believe, but we've now been watching Crowfall develop since late 2014, going from a teaser announcement through a successful Kickstarter and arriving at the current…
Chronicles of Elyria clarifies server and domain selection process moving forward - The staff behind Chronicles of Elyria has been on a whirlwind tour of events, and you can read all about it in the most recent dispatch from the team. You…
The Exiled launches Season 2 with a trial extension and a big patch - The second season of The Exiled is arriving, and while that sounds like the preamble to some critically acclaimed drama series starting up again, it's actually a major update for…
Ship of Heroes touts Unreal Engine 4 progress ahead of Kickstarter bid - Since our community has City of Heroes on the brain of late, let's recall that there are no less than five games inspired by the late superhero MMORPG on the…
Elite Dangerous addresses ship nameplate concerns - Yesterday's Elite Dangerous community livestream is full of good news for sci-fi fans anxiously watching the 2.3 beta. Of note, Frontier's Sandro Sammarco and Ed Lewis address the ship nameplates issue…
Ever, Jane’s latest open beta update adds horseback riding, carriages, and new homes - Ever, Jane's fourth update of open beta has gone live this afternoon, bringing new homes and horses to the Jane Austen-themed period MMORPG. "We’re eager to add the townhouses and…
Legends of Aria begins focused testing, delays Steam launch - Legends of Aria is shaking things up from the old Shards Online paradigm. In addition to the name change and broader focus, the fantasy title announced that it is going…
Castles get an upgrade in Gloria Victis - If players or guilds are going to put the effort in purchasing and building up a castle in Gloria Victis, they are going to be rewarded with one fine-looking structure.…
Shroud of the Avatar: Kas Ruins, custom NPCs, and marble columns - Shroud of the Avatar's 219th newsletter has arrived! Of note is the segment on the Kas Ruins, whose biome is based on the Rockies and Grand Tetons of the US…
Grim Dawn reveals Necromancer class for this year’s expansion - Guess who's getting a Necromancer class this year! If you said Diablo III, well, I can't tell you you're wrong because that's also happening. But I'm talking about Grim Dawn.…
Path of Exile on virtual reality, auto-sort, and offline play - [AL:POE]Path of Exile's latest dev Q&A has a few nuggets of interest for followers of the MMOARPG. What caught our eye? Don't expect an auto-sort button in your inventory bins.…
Star Citizen will drop DX11, avoid DX12 support - Over the weekend, Cloud Imperium fielded questions from players on some of the more technical elements on display in Star Citizen's last Around the Verse. Turns out that some major…
The Repopulation is back, but major bugs ensure the next patch is a ways off - Idea Fabrik's internal dev team published a dev update on The Repopulation this morning, following the game's relaunch last week. The studio says it's still working on verifying old backer…