Now you will be able to express yourself in Conan Exiles in more than just grunts and barbaric yells of victory, thanks a new patch on the test server.
Funcom is adding a staggering 50-plus emotes to the game for the exile lad or lass in training. With all of the new emotes comes a revision to the system: Players will begin with a core of expressive commands and then learn more emotes as they adventure through the game world.
The patch is also addressing a sneaky exploit that involves players falling through the game world and then somehow attacking enemy bases from below. Other changes include tweaks to the repair hammer, a restraint to overeager thralls, and the ability to scroll chat using your middle mouse wheel. We live in the future, folks!
By Crom, there will unfortunately not be a Conan Exiles stream today, but you'll get a sneak preview of the new emotes soon!
— CONAN EXILES (@ConanExiles) April 21, 2017