“With the release of Murkmire, members will now get 1650 crowns per month, and access to exclusive offers in the #ESO Crown Store including a free item every month,” the team just announced. “Watch for more details this fall!”
Also released today? The official trailer for the Wolfhunter DLC itself, which is slated to launch next week on PC.
Hunt or be hunted.
Feast your eyes on the Official #Wolfhunter Trailer! 🐺 The hunt begins August 13 on PC/Mac and August 28 on Xbox One and PS4.https://t.co/qTrT7NhqG4 #ESO #QuakeCon2018
ESRB RATING: Mature with Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence. pic.twitter.com/oEwKjnghzu
— Bethesda (@bethesda) August 10, 2018
Even better, there’s a new trailer for the Murkmire DLC, which is expected to feature the Argonians’ province later this fall.
This Fall, your adventures will bring you to the dangerous, untamed wilds of Black Marsh, home of the Argonians.
Here’s your sneak preview of The Elder Scrolls Online: Murkmire.#ESO #QuakeCon2018
ESRB RATING: Mature with Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence pic.twitter.com/YwKpKzRpoe
— Bethesda (@bethesda) August 10, 2018
The game is currently in the middle of a free-play week, and its most recent chapter, Summerset, is currently on sale.