Blizzard ramps up hiring for its unannounced online game

Among all the many, many ways you are terrible.

Blizzard Entertainment is up to something — something big — these days behind closed doors. We’ve known that the World of Warcraft studio was forming a team to work on a Warcraft mobile game and some sort of online multiplayer project, but now things are getting serious as another jobs call has gone out for 16 positions for the game.

The “unannounced PC/console project” is keeping most of its details under wraps, although we can ascertain from the job descriptions that this one is some sort of online action shooter. Obviously, there is a possibility that this has something to do with Overwatch (especially since Overwatch 2 is in the works), but it does kind of sound like it’s an unrelated, completely new project.

“This is hands down the best project and team I’ve ever worked with in my career,” Senior Artist Dan John Cox teased.

Source: Twitter via Wowhead
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