We have a fresh little list of smaller news snippets from Blizzard games that aren’t WoW, so once again we’ll be bundling these smaller stories into one larger one for your reading ease. This bundle, for the record, is all about Overwatch and Hearthstone, if the headline isn’t a hint enough.
We’ll begin with Hearthstone and its most recent patch release, which has made a few adjustments to three cards in Standard and fixed some bugs in Battlegrounds. Specifically, two Priest cards — Apotheosis and Renew — are being tweaked to knock down some of the class’ burst healing ability, while the Gibberling card now costs two mana in order to alleviate its early game power.
Next we move on to Overwatch, which is apparently looking for a new associate narrative designer. This entry-level position will be responsible for writing character lines, creating in-game lore items, and guiding voiceover sessions. In other Overwatch news, fans can take in the music of the game’s cinematic videos with a new YouTube playlist or enjoy the cinematic artwork with a new art book.