Crowfall’s ACE Q&A livestream for the month of August has come and gone, and the devs are looking ahead to the RvR MMO’s next major update. This new patch for the game will introduce a handshake system for initiating keep and castle sieges, which should hopefully prevent players defending a location from logging in en masse and flooding a siege zone with their team, effectively locking out other players. The proposed changes are outlined in a design doc.
Other updates arriving with the next patch include more hot zones and more raid boss areas, which are promised to effectively provide more of the kind of content that fans of these areas enjoy while also improving things such as enemy AI movement.
Speaking of improvements, the stream showed off its next roadmap plans, with optimization at the top of the near-term list, while mid-term additions to Crowfall include a PvP leaderboard, a revamp of the game’s caravan system, and more Eternal Kingdoms features like a tax system, farming, adventure parcels. Long-term, the devs plan to add building decay, animal taming, and crossover weapon specializations for the game’s classes. You can check out the roadmap slides as well as the Q&A portion of the stream in the embed below.