Fallout 76 project lead Jeff Gardiner has departed Bethesda

Less controversial.

The launch of Fallout 76 was pretty rocky, but over time the title has managed to turn around its reputation and receive at least tacit approval from players along the way. So it is perhaps bittersweet to know that the project lead on the game, Jeff Gardiner, has left Bethesda (and concurrently his role on the project) to work on unspecified projects elsewhere.

Gardiner announced his departure via Twitter yesterday, offering thanks to both co-workers and fans for the experience of working on a variety of different titles over the course of nearly 16 years. It’s probably going to come as something of a surprise to fans of Fallout 76, although there’s nothing to indicate that said fans have any reason to worry about the ultimate fate of the title. Still, it’s a shift in leadership in the near future, and that’s always just a little bit disruptive.

Source: Twitter via PCGamesN
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