If you thought that free decor was the extent of the Halloween fun that New World was going to be having, then you’re wrong. The game is also getting into the seasonal spirit with a new video series called Nightmares of Aeternum, the first episode of which went live earlier this week.
The video focuses in on the ghost ship that haunts the outskirts of First Light, offering up all sorts of creepy atmosphere, spooky imagery complete with an old VHS fuzziness, and a narrator who doesn’t seem to know what accent to use during the nonologue about Aeternum and its many dooms. It’s a bit of a meandering video, but it’s also full of Halloween spirit – perfect for this time of year.
In other New World news, the game’s woes have a new couple of layers thanks to a crouch exploit that was recently patched out and some fresh bugs concerning the trading post and server transfers, with the former not giving gold or items to players who are offline and the latter blocking transfers for those who have active contracts, even if they appear to all be closed. In both cases, the devs are aware of the issues and are investigating, with updates to come at a later time.