Sadly, this one isn’t an April Fools’ Day joke, or if it’s a prank on the part of the perpetrators, it’s not a funny one.
Shroud of the Avatar’s Starr Long told players earlier today that the game has been struggling with a DDOS attack since early this morning.
“Unfortunately we are under a Denial of Service attack from at least one source (perhaps multiple) that started at 3:00 AM CDT. We are blocking them as quickly as we can. If you are getting ALTAIR9000 disconnect messages that is the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience and we are working hard to solve this issue as quickly as we can.”
This isn’t the first time the game’s been DDOSed on the eve of a major launch; almost a year ago, e-thugs decided to screw with the Release 17 launch. Release 28 began rolling out yesterday.