Brendan Drain

Brendan Drain


A long-time MMO-addict, northern-irish lad Brendan "Nyphur" Drain is Massively Overpowered's resident EVE Online expert and writer of the long-running EVE Evolved column, published Sunday evenings. The column covers everything from guides and opinion pieces to commentary on game design and hints on preparing for upcoming expansions.

In addition to the column, Brendan covers EVE Online news, community events, general interest stories, and other posts. When he finds the time in his hectic schedule, he can sometimes be found writing features on game design topics or other MMOs he's playing.

He is hard at work on his first video game, the indie space 4X game Predestination.

Twitter: @nyphur

EVE Evolved: Inside Hadean’s EVE Online record-breaking battle attempt

If EVE Online is known for one thing (apart from massive scams and online heists), it's the truly massive PvP battles that have taken...

EVE Online Senior Community Manager CCP Falcon departs CCP Games

It's safe to say that EVE Online hasn't had the smoothest history of dealing with its playerbase throughout the game's 16-year life, having endured...

EVE Evolved: Chatting up EVE Online world record holder Ethan ‘Katia Sae’ Richards

EVE Online player Ethan Richards is best known by the name of his in-game character Katia Sae, who earlier this year completed an incredible...

EVE Evolved: Is the EVE Online community a force for good in the world?

When we write or talk about MMO communities, we often focus on the practicalities of guilds or in-game events, the drama of forums, and...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online is losing players, and no one can agree on why

Nobody wants to think that a favourite MMO is losing popularity, but with EVE Online now being over 15 years old, it's a possibility...

EVE Evolved: What injecting chaos means for EVE Online

The past few weeks have been pretty transformative for EVE Online, with the global communications blackout across null-security space revitalising roaming gang PvP in...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s comms blackout will lead to absolute anarchy

All hell is about to break loose in EVE Online for the territorial alliances waging wars in the depths of space following some the...

EVE Evolved: NPC invasions wreak havoc across EVE Online

When CCP Games released a new EVE Online expansion named Invasion at the end of last month, players were readying themselves to battle limited...

EVE Online controversy breaks out over new starter pack, CCP addresses the community

EVE Online has a long and complicated history when it comes to the debate surrounding microtransactions. The playerbase literally revolted against developer CCP Games...
But don't worry, they're not all murder-happy.

EVE North 2019: A huge battle once broke out in EVE Online, but not a single player was involved

Massive battles are the norm for sci-fi MMO EVE Online, with players routinely clashing in their hundreds or thousands over territorial claims and political...

EVE North: Tune in to EVE North today on the EVE Online Twitch channel

The EVE Online world tour is on the road again following three successful events in Amsterdam, St Petersburg, and Sydney (or is it Sidney?)....

EVE Evolved: Getting ready for the Invasion in EVE Online

EVE Online's Invasion expansion lands in just two days on May 28th, and there are plenty of things you can do now to make...

EVE Down Under: CCP drops EVE Online’s Invasion expansion trailer

CCP Games is out in force in Australia right now for the third leg of the EVE World Tour, and the topic of choice...

EVE Down Under kicks off with a hilarious screwup in Sydney

EVE Down Under kicked off today (last night, for those of us in the US) in downtown Sydney, Australia, with a series of developer...

EVE Online’s Invasion starter pack just went on sale for 100% off on Steam

While EVE Online has a limited free-to-play Alpha tier, new players can get a leg up on starting by buying one of the starter...

EVE Evolved: What really sets Russian EVE players apart?

One of the most interesting things about EVE Online is the fact that its single shard server forces players from different countries and cultures...

EVE Online: Invasion expansion lands May 28th

The virtual universe of EVE Online is bracing itself for an invasion, and it looks like things will be kicking off much sooner than...

EVE Evolved: Big things are happening in EVE Online this spring

There's a lot going on in EVE Online right now, from the insane storyline playing out right now in-game and new Triglavian ships on...

EVEsterdam 2019: EVE players intercept Triglavian war plans

The EVE Online community was surprised recently when billboards across the game were hacked and displayed a threatening video from the Triglavian Collective, a...

EVEsterdam 2019: EVE Online explorer visits every star system without being killed

When people say that EVE Online is a game that lets you make your own path, they aren't kidding. While CCP Games builds gameplay...