Chris Neal

Wolfy is totally a pink wolf and not someone who just adores his avatar so much that he's lost touch with reality. He's been playing games since the days of Atari 2600 and when PCs had to be booted up in a specific sequence. He can be found in a variety of different MMOs and multiplayer games, including Final Fantasy XIV, Dauntless, Black Desert, and many others.

Path of Exile makes some Sanctum adjustments and introduces the Voidborn Reliquary Key

The Sanctum league in Path of Exile saw some adjustments in a patch last week that targeted things like the Death Toll major affliction...

Dual Universe answers more player questions about ship control and offers new player advice

Dual Universe is back with yet another player Q&A video, fielding a selection of player questions and granting them developer answers. Which is what...

MMORTS Kingdoms of Marazia returns from hiatus with rewritten code, world resets, and free-to-play model

Five years ago - in August 2018 to be precise - we reported on a new title called Kingdoms of Marazia, a simplistically styled...

The Stream Team: Going on a tiny pixelated adventure in Tales of Yore

MOP's Chris has something of a love affair with pint-sized pixel MMORPG gaming, so when he first caught wind of the new game Tales...

Voice chat software dev Modulate partners with the ADL to improve its ToxMod tool and fight online hate

The topic of toxic and hateful online gaming communities has risen in the headlines in recent weeks, particularly as the matter earned governmental attention....

Lapsed yet legitimate Lost Ark players were hit in the game’s latest ban wave

When Lost Ark decided to clean house and sweep away a huge number of bots from the game this past week, it might have...

Diablo Immortal launches a Lunar New Year event and adds a slew of new legendary items

The latest patch for Diablo Immortal is something of a tale of two foci. On the one hand, the update is marking the Lunar...

NetEase lays off staffers who were working on Blizzard games in China

Lest we forget, the falling out between NetEase and Blizzard has a toll greater than either company's bottom line; it also saw a human...
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Pantheon Rise of the Fallen discusses development plans for the first portion of 2023

It's a new year and a new lineup of work for the developers of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, which is the primary focus...

The Cycle Frontier announces March 29 launch date for Season 3, the end of server wipes, and economy changes

When a new season begins in the PvPvE survival shooter The Cycle: Frontier, change is already expected. However, when Season 3 begins on Wednesday,...

Tales of Yore is a ‘lightweight’ retro-style MMORPG ‘full of terrible RPG tropes, cliches, and dad jokes’

When an MMORPG describes itself as "lightweight," there are a few assumptions one can leap to. Personally, I'm taking that description to mean a...

The Stream Team: Blowing up space rocks for fun and profit in Elite Dangerous

There's gold in them thar asteroids! Or tritium, or void opals, or maybe just basic ore. Whatever is in them thar asteroids, MOP's Chris...

Aion EU promises danger and treasure in its Secret Hellpath event

I'm not a plucky treasure hunter, so perhaps my point of view is skewed towards the boring, but if a place called the Secret...

EverQuest II opens two new raids for the Renewal of Ro expansion

It's time to rage against the ravages of raids in Renewal of Ro. The latest expansion to EverQuest II has opened the doors to...

Genfanad admits to design missteps and outlines plans to correct them through this year

According to a recent developer blog from Rose Tinted Games, Genfanad is in need of many corrections - an assessment that we ourselves made...

Titan Reach changes its name, rebuts claims of copyright stealing, opens Kickstarter and Steam demo

Last month we followed up on tips from our readers about TitanReach, which apparently came back under a slightly different name and new ownership....

Lineage II launches several events across all three versions of the ARPG

The three flavors of Lineage II - that is to say the original game, Aden, and Classic - are all awash with events starting...

Nexon unveils global plans for a cross-platform open world action RPG based on the Dungeon Fighter IP

It's a side-scrolling beat-em-up MMO. It's a fighting game. And sometime in the future, it's going to be an open world action RPG. It's...

Tower of Fantasy’s latest patch adds support for ray tracing on PC and launches some new events

Do you play Tower of Fantasy on PC? Do you have a GPU that supports ray tracing? Then you're in luck because the shared...

Blade & Soul celebrates seven years and the new year in latest update

Blade & Soul is throwing a party and you're invited. The game's latest update is hosting several celebratory events to mark the game's seventh...