Jef Reahard

Jef Reahard
Getting carded.

The Daily Grind: Will you try Epic’s Paragon MOBA?

I hadn't heard of Paragon before last weekend, but after watching the brief gameplay clip that Epic released to tease its upcoming MOBA, I'm...

Epic’s new game is a MOBA called Paragon

Epic's entering the MOBA space with Paragon, which is scheduled to hit the PC and PlayStation 4 in 2016. The studio released a brief...

Dungeons & Dragons Online explains legendary green steel crafting

Turbine is adding legendary green steel crafting to Dungeons & Dragons Online. It's a "wide-reaching, complex crafting system," according to an equally wide-reaching forum...

ARK: Survival Evolved scores some mainstream press coverage

ARK: Survival Evolved got some mainstream press coverage over the weekend, with a piece in the Seattle Times that focused on Studio Wildcard lead...

SWTOR climbs, FFXIV falls in Raptr’s October rankings

Raptr recently released its most played games list for October 2015. MMOish titles featured heavily in the list, with Star Wars: The Old Republic...

Shroud of the Avatar details its City of Truth, conducts an R24 postmortem

It's the weekend, which means that it must be time to peruse the latest Shroud of the Avatar newsletter. Sure enough, Portalarium released another...

No Man’s Sky has neither missions nor collectibles

No Man's Sky is a big game, what with 18 quintillion planets that would take 600 billion hours for players to explore, according to...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite voxel-based game?

Every time I play Space Engineers, or even write a post about it, I'm blown away by the recent planetary update. The sheer size...

HEX’s PvE mode detailed in a fresh video

That kickstarted HEX: Shards of Fate trading card game is still a thing, and earlier this week, HEX Entertainment published a video showing off...

Gloria Victis revises combat mechanics and more

Alpha-state fantasy sandbox Gloria Victis pushed out a press release late this week touting "massive" amounts of polish and bug-fixing for the latest build....

Perfect World is running a bunch of holiday events

Perfect World Entertainment has brought back its annual winter holiday events to its stable of MMOs. We've mentioned the goings-on in Star Trek Online...

Space Engineers’ lead dev details the planetary construction process

Have you tried Space Engineers since it added its ginormous planetary update? If not, you might want to watch the video dev blog that...
Legacy, indeed.

Destiny talks Titans, winter update plans

Bungie published a lengthy look at Destiny's status earlier this week. The firm is working on a December update patch that should hit sometime...

Skyforge shows off some incredible fan art

Want to see some incredible fan-produced MMO art? Look no further than Skyforge's Pantheon Propaganda contest finalists. The sci-fantasy title from Allods Team and...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: Spatium and Labyrinth of the Druids (December 5, 2015)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we said hello to Spatium and Labyrinth of the Druids, though the former isn't actually on Kickstarter yet. The...

Leaderboard: What will you be doing most often in Star Citizen?

I just saw Star Citizen's new trailer yesterday, and needless to say I was pretty blown away. Alpha 2.0 is looking good - so...

Guild Wars 2 talks legendary crafting bugs and legendary weapons

ArenaNet's Matt Pennebaker has posted an introduction on Reddit that details his work on Guild Wars 2's legendary weapons and crafting bugs. Pennebaker writes...

H1Z1’s booby traps look fairly painful

Have you ever trapped an actual booby? It seems like that would be pretty difficult. I won't get into the hows and whys and...
That's cool.

Paladins adds deserter system and Evie, the Winter Witch

Hi-Rez Studios has released as new a video that details Paladins' 0.8 update. Lead designer Rory Newborough says it's a big patch that makes...
I am fairly certain that fairness due to gear parity was a point that got tossed around for this game, although I cannot find a good source for that at the moment, so I may be incorrect.

Albion’s Aurelius update to add PvE dungeons, usability tweaks, and more

Sandbox Interactive says that Albion's closed beta launch has been "very successful," and as such the firm is now giving fans a glimpse of its near...