Alphas & Betas

MMOs in various stages of testing and crowdfunding, playable and… not. Don’t forget to follow our Betawatch and Make My MMO columns for a weekly rundown. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Marvel Rivals will revise content creator contract after streamers blast non-disparagement clause

"We'll let you be a supported streamer, but you're not allowed to say bad things about our game." That's effectively what NetEase's Marvel Rivals...

Interview: Wayfinder’s AJ LaSaracina on the Echoes transition, launch, and long-term plans

Following yesterday's surprise reveal that Airship Syndicate is planning to transition the always-online MMO looter shooter Wayfinder into a buy-to-play online-optional title - without...

Ubisoft cancels The Division Heartland in spite of record annual corporate revenues

There's a big blast of bad news for Ubisoft and everyone else coming out of the company's latest financial report: The company has outright...
bro you gotta trust me bro

Tarisland opens applications for another technical beta test at the end of May

Well, it's not the release date Tencent was promising is coming soon, but Tarisland is finally getting a little movement thanks to an incoming...

Palia studio Singularity 6 has been slammed with yet another layoff round

Singularity 6, the studio behind beta cozy MMO Palia, is dealing with yet another round of layoffs this week, following a round back in...

Monsters & Memories opens registration for *two* June tests – a stress test and playtest weekend

Last week, Monsters & Memories studio Niche Worlds Cult told players it's been plotting another playtest for June - and now we've got the...

Unleashed’s MMORPG Haven is aimed at parents who grew up playing EverQuest and WoW

Back in February, we covered an upcoming but low-key crossplatform MMORPG called Haven by an indie studio called Unleashed games, whose star-studded dev team...

Amid release date rumors, Tarisland promises ‘exciting updates soon’

I don't know if you've noticed, but Tarisland has been kinda weird lately. Updates and announcements and test news out of Tencent has slowed...

Wayfinder’s summer Echoes update banishes always-online and microtransaction components

Wayfinder has been in limbo for months now following the split of Digital Extremes and Airship Syndicate that saw the game's publishing as well...

Pax Dei’s alpha two infographic shares data about playtime, activities, and deaths by badger

Were you keen to learn what players were doing within the second alpha test of survival MMO Pax Dei? Maybe you want to know...

Valheim’s F2P Ashlands biome patch has finally launched after a year and a half wait

Iron Gate has been talking about Valheim's Ashlands update since December. No, not last December. The December before that - 2022 December, when Mistlands...

Fractured Veil’s latest patch lets players raise some plants in the zombie apocalypse

Old MacDonald now has a farm in zombie apocalypse survivalbox Fractured Veil, as the game's latest patch will now let players grow some plants,...

Myth of Empires previews the weapons and structures of its July Ancient Greece-themed DLC

Survival sandbox Myth of Empires continues to be a show-not-tell mood with regards to its upcoming Ancient Greece DLC, as Angela Game has put...

BitCraft announces a June 17 start date for Alpha 2, begins a rebuild of its account management site

For those who missed their opportunity to hop into alpha testing for BitCraft, there's some good news: Clockwork Labs has confirmed a date for...

Marvel Rivals discusses adding environmental destruction to a competitive shooter

Generally speaking, the maps of a team vs. team shooter are static; you can blast all of the buildings you want, but they'll be...

Ashes of Creation answers questions about classes, gameplay systems, PvX, and guild features

Last night Ashes of Creation held a community AMA, though the community in question was made up of specifically selected influencers. You might think...

Corepunk could be launching into early access by late summer

We know what you're thinking: Corepunk is going to further delay. And you're partially right but mostly wrong. The studio did announce that it...

Star Citizen officially enters alpha 3.23 with new quality-of-life and mission features

After a whole lot of teasing, talking, and showcasing, Star Citizen has finally released alpha 3.23, bringing with it a few new mission features...
One convenient location.

Betawatch: The Wagadu Chronicles sunsets as V Rising launches

We're sad to see the lights go out for The Wagadu Chronicles, as this week saw the heartbreaking news that the game is shuttering...

Blight Survival is an upcoming multiplayer ‘medieval action-horror co-op survival game’

The idiom goes that you can't judge a book by its cover, but we're reasonably sure that a game called Blight: Survival is pretty...