
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

oh no skellingtons

The Daily Grind: Which of your MMO characters has kept the same look for the longest time?

One of my Death Knights in World of Warcraft has had the same outfit for years. It basically hasn't budged since Cataclysm, and I...
Wake-up bomb.

Desert Oasis: Deep-diving Black Desert’s Musa and Maewha classes

I think I may be in the minority of people who enjoy being home all day. It gives that much needed time to just...

Perfect Ten: Underappreciated Guild Wars 2 features

Guild Wars 2 is not a perfect game, but then again, no MMORPG is. I've had a pull-and-push relationship with the game since its...

The Daily Grind: When have you felt like an idiot in an MMO?

While I'm sure that you have it all together and project the infallible air of someone who strides with the greatest of purpose, there's...

Choose My Adventure: Seriously, the Roblox community is pretty impressive

Over the course of my time in Roblox for this round of Choose My Adventure, I've come to appreciate the value of community creativity....

Flameseeker Chronicles: Reviewing ArenaNet’s Complete Art of Guild Wars 20th anniversary edition book

Talk long enough to Guild Wars fans about their favorite franchise, and chances are that sooner or later, they will start gushing about the...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: The Final Fantasy XIV 5.3 Live Letter in review

Well, that sure was a thing, huh? Another live letter in the books, and given the circumstances it's a lot more understandable why Final Fantasy...

Not So Massively: Exploring the Reign of Terror Diablo II mod for Grim Dawn

Unlike a lot of ARPG fans, I was never a big player of Diablo II back in the day. I enjoyed the story and...
I'm an excellent fighter.

Global Chat: The problem with being bad in MMOs

Have you ever felt weirdly reluctant to go the full "dark side" in a video game that offers morality meters? MMO blogger Yeebo Fernbottom...

One Shots: There are many thrones, but this one is mine

In most of our real homes, the only throne we have does unspeakable double duty and isn't something we'd show off to visitors. But...
Time is on someone's side.

The Daily Grind: Are free-to-play MMOs slower when it comes to advancement?

As free-to-play became the dominant business model in MMOs over time, it was totally understandable to wonder at first what free-to-play games would do...

The Game Archaeologist: The history of play-by-email games

For most all of human history, people who wanted to play a game together usually had to be in physical proximity with each other....
We do things for you! This is a thing.

Betawatch: Star Citizen gets a nice guide to everything not in its next alpha patch

So, the bad news for Star Citizen fans is that some features of its next major patch are being removed, and by "some" we...

Massively on the Go: How social media and accessibility blew up Animal Crossing

By now you all know that Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a thing. A popular thing, one that's been invading your feeds, your Discords,...
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: Examining Shadowlands’ Hunter, Priest, and Mage ability changes

Here we are again, and we've got a new mess of classes that got changed! Although in many ways these are the classes that...

Choose My Adventure: Survive the Disasters 2 is a perfect Roblox game

We close out this month's little sojourn through the world of Roblox with what is easily one of my favorite titles ever created on...
Get back.

WoW Factor: Everything can be an allied race, but nothing *must* be one

As the alpha builds continue to mount along for World of Warcraft's next expansion, a new debate has begun that is kind of difficult...
I mean, you know what it looks like.

The Daily Grind: Do you take part in absurd general chat in MMOs?

For all that Barrens Chat in classic World of Warcraft has long been considered vile enough to break out the capital letters, it's easy...
This... should be fine.

From the Depths: Hands-on with World of Warships’ epic submarine patch

Few things in World of Warships are as polarizing as submarines. For every player excited at the possibility of playing the stealthy assassins, there...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: The categories of all MMO achievements

I remember when achievements were first getting a pop in the MMO space, or at least when I first noticed it concurrent with World...