
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

One Shots: 100 miles up and climbing

When you find yourself soaring past the outer limits of the atmosphere in DC Universe Online, you best have a spacesuit or superpowers. Or...
Tanks for the memories

The Daily Grind: What’s the earliest test phase you’ve ever played for an MMO?

An early test phase for any MMO has one major drawback, and that's the simple fact that it's not anywhere close to being ready...
Ice ice baby.

Global Chat: Feasting on Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga

Nerdy Bookahs is pretty dang delighted to come back to a "feast" in Guild Wars 2, thanks to all of the new content in...

Fleet Carriers can once again jump in Elite Dangerous Odyssey as Frontier boss David Braben apologizes for launch issues

David Braben, CEO and founder of Frontier Developments, would like to offer his apologies to the wider Elite: Dangerous playerbase for the ongoing rocky...

WRUP: What’s in the bitey surprise bag edition

What's up, folks, today's What Are You Playing is all about opening up the bitey surprise bag! The last one of these we opened...
La la la.

The Daily Grind: Are Final Fantasy XIV’s classes too restrictive?

One of my absolute favorite things about Final Fantasy XIV was the baked-in ability to switch out classes (jobs) on the same character. This...

Battle Bards Episode 193: Tribal jams

Strike up a drum, flourish a flute, and howl to the moon — it’s time to get funky with some tribal jams! In this...

Star Wars: The Old Republic recaps the making of the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint

So what precisely goes on in writing a Flashpoint story for Star Wars: The Old Republic? If you're curious about that, you can get some...

Black Desert announces digital Heidel Ball convention for June 19

Black Desert's gearing up for a summer convention of its own as Pearl Abyss announced this morning the return of Heidel Ball. As in...

Hi-Rez just postponed SMITE’s esports broadcasts for the weekend [Updated]

We've updated at the end with the unfortunate news that led to the postponement. Well, this one's weird and kinda ominous: Hi-Rez just just down...

WoW Factor: Are Heroic dungeons the original sin of World of Warcraft’s current issues?

The launch of The Burning Crusade's pre-patch in WoW Classic has me thinking about the features that expansion brought to World of Warcraft. I know, really it...

Elite Dangerous Odyssey’s launch sees new player number highs, Fleet Carriers forced to park, and hotfix attempts

It's been a bumpy ride out in the world of Elite: Dangerous. Wednesday's launch of the Odyssey expansion on PC has seen a wide...

EVE Online has launched the EVE Academy to help new players find their footing

Entering the world of EVE Online for the first time can be daunting, to say the least. With a variety of systems, a myriad...

The Daily Grind: When should MMO companies intervene in borky MMO economies?

On this week's MassivelyOP podcast, Justin and I answered a question about whether MMO studios have a responsibility to monitor and nudge the player...

Massively Overthinking: How much should MMO subs be in 2021?

MMORPG blogger Wilhelm at The Ancient Gaming Noob has a fantastic piece up this month on the traditional $15 MMO subscription. He dips back...

Black Desert PC issues apologies and recompense for recent Node War issues, offers gifts to new and returning players on console

If you were among the PC players of Black Desert who experienced some problems with Node War and Conquest War this past weekend, Pearl...

Desert Oasis: So Black Desert wants to be an esport now

Even though the San Francisco Giants threw away a 6-2 lead against the Pittsburgh Pirates on Saturday, the real highlight of my weekend was...

Here’s how Geoff Keighley aims to improve on 2020’s neverending summer of not-E3

I'm super grateful to all the organizations and games companies that did their level best to provide convention entertainment last summer when the pandemic...

The Elder Scrolls Online teases a possible new tabletop game developed with Chip Theory Games

It would appear that The Elder Scrolls Online is keen to get all over gaming tabletops everywhere. Hot off the heels of the game's...

Bethesda is shuttering its official forums and moving to Discord, Elder Scrolls Online’s forums will remain

Whether you like them for communication, commiseration, and news, or despise them because they almost never seem like happy places, the point stands that...