
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs when you’re on vacation?

As I type this, MOP's Justin is on vacation, though he'll be back by the time you're reading it. And dammit, he deserved it....
Small steps.

Elite Dangerous maps out plans for three more updates in June as another player initiative is binned

At the tail end of May, the devs of Elite: Dangerous promised to share a roadmap of updates to address a number of problems...
Less texture.

WRUP: Hippo dance texture edition

What is the texture of a hippo dance? To understand this, we first have to understand a few important pieces of information. The first...
Feelings felt

The Daily Grind: What MMO music do you listen to out of the game?

The thing about video game music is that some of it is so perfectly attuned to a very specific game that it can feel...

Betawatch: We want us some Palia

Palia! It exists! We got a whole preview for it, and it looks wonderful, and people will not stop telling us about it and...
This is not salvation.

World of Warcraft offers a preview of what will be required for flight in Shadowlands

Patch 9.1 for World of Warcraft will bring with it the coveted ability to fly in the game's expansion areas, but what will be required...

Star Citizen talks about the creation of the Bengal carrier and hosts a competition to celebrate Pride

During the Invictus Launch Week event in Star Citizen, fans were treated to a special arrival as part of the UEE Navy's show of...
Pie, meet sky.

Bloomberg takes a look at the growing presence of ‘Blizzard 2.0’

By this point everyone has had time to read and analyze that lengthy piece on IGN about Blizzard as a company in turmoil, wracked...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest gameplay myth that persists in your favorite MMO?

My husband is an avid Overwatch player, and the other day he pointed out to me that Blizzard has, in spite of its foibles,...
tfw you're in love with lovely johnny

Massively Overthinking: Do you associate music with memory in MMOs?

The other night, I tried to log in to the Star Wars Galaxies emu and the music hit me hard. See, I play SWG...

Craftopia updates its roadmap with plans for level cap increases, pet systems, creative mode, and guns

Yes, you read that right. Craftopia has big plans on its roadmap, and its next update planned on June 23rd is adding fun stuff like...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI heads to Aht Urhgan for the next step of the Voracious Resurgencce

It's time for players in Final Fantasy XI to head back to the Near East with the upcoming June version update for the game. What's...

World of Warcraft updates Torghast mechanics and some soulbinds on the 9.1 test server

The Empowered mechanic added to World of Warcraft's Torghast was not the most beloved mechanic added to an already not-beloved bit of content, so it's...
Put a leash on it.

Bless Unleashed pushed back its PC launch for further polish improvements

If you've been eagerly waiting for the full launch of Bless Unleashed on PC, you're going to have to wait just a little bit longer....

Desert Oasis: Why Black Desert Online is my favorite MMO

It's crazy how fast two years go by, but it's how long I've been running this column. I've interviewed the lead producer Jaehee Kim,...
I'm the villain, too?

The Daily Grind: Do you get impatient with new MMO content?

The advantage to having a job that takes place at home and centers around video games is the fact that it's pretty easy to...

Dual Universe talks up patch 0.25 improvements, discusses docking revamps, and shows off a massive player ship

The month of June is now upon us, which means that Dual Universe's May newsletter is available for reading in case anyone missed any...

Champions Online holds a player Q&A session about serials, archery, and more

It's been a relatively busy period over in the world of Champions Online, with the game's first serial story, revamps to the archery powerset,...

The Division 2 puts a rerun of its third season back into rotation

Seasonal content is fun and all, but it does run into the small problem of being somewhat less fun when you miss out on...
Party Hardly

Black Desert announces the upcoming co-op dungeon Atoraxxion

It's time to team up in Black Desert this summer. Players on both PC and console will be able to take part in exploring the...