
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: Most Anticipated MMO

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for Most Anticipated MMO, which was awarded to Book of Travels and Torchlight Frontiers...
We just keep going.

Black Desert extends free play for PlayStation first-timers unable to purchase the game properly

On paper, the whole free play idea for Black Desert seemed like a pretty great idea. The game lets everyone play for free for...

The Daily Grind: Which gaming company told the biggest fib in 2020?

We have a rule at MOP: "Save your recordings." This is specifically because studios have said things to us on the record and then...
Wheedle deedle

Astellia Online’s patch tomorrow lets you break down mounts while adding daily login rewards

Good new to mount owners in Astellia Online - with the game's next patch tomorrow, you can disassemble your mounts! Not your starter mount,...

MassivelyOP’s 2020 Golden Yachties: Best MMO crime of the year

MassivelyOP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for best worst MMO crime of the year. (If you’re wondering what the heck a...

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: MMO Expansion of the Year

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for MMO Expansion of the Year, which was awarded to Final Fantasy XIV's Shadowbringers...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s 2020 was better than expected, worse than planned

Here's something interesting to consider in the abstract: Bereft of any further outside context and looked at purely from a content standpoint, Final Fantasy...

EVE Online promises that ‘scarcity is not the new reality’ in its 2020 ecosystem report

If you've found that there's less ISK, resources, and general wealth in EVE Online, that's not just your mind playing tricks on you; it's...

Heavensturn returns to Final Fantasy XIV for an oxtraordinary time

As with every year, it's time for Final Fantasy XIV to steer its course into the new year with the annual Heavensturn celebration. And...

The Daily Grind: What MMO will change its business model dramatically in 2021?

Years ago, it was a MOP tradition around the end of the year to speculate on which MMORPG that hadn't yet gone free-to-play would...

MassivelyOP’s 2020 Golden Yachties: Best worst transmedia synergy

MassivelyOP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for best worst transmedia synergy. (If you’re wondering what the heck a Golden Yachtie is,...

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: Not-So-Massively Game of the Year

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for the Not-So-Massively Game of the Year, which was awarded to No Man's Sky...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends’ annual tribute event for Carrie Fisher begins tonight

This coming Sunday, December 27th, will be the four-year anniversary of actress Carrie Fisher's passing, and players of the Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue...

MOP Awards: Best MMO Player Screenshots

Every Friday morning after breakfast, I crack open the comments to the previous week's One Shots column and pick the most eye-catching and interesting...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best console experience at the end of 2020?

I thought 2019 was a big year for console thanks to Black Desert's multiple console launches, but 2020 was far from shabby itself. The...

MassivelyOP’s 2020 Golden Yachties: Best MMO rumor we want to be true

MassivelyOP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for best MMO rumor we want to be true. (If you’re wondering what the heck...

Star Citizen releases roadmaps and financials, Squadron 42 withholds release date and gameplay

It's been rather active over in the world of Star Citizen recently. The past few days have seen a number of unveilings, announcements, and...

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: MMO with the Stormiest Future

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for the MMO (or Studio) with the Stormiest Future, which was awarded to Daybreak...
merr crismas

WRUP: The ultimate fates of all the neighborhood Christmas trees edition

The Douglas household: Thrown in the garbage. The Foster household: Thrown in the garbage. The Michaels household: Thrown in the garbage. The Johannsen household: Artificial; will be...

The Daily Grind: What MMO gifts did you get (or give yourself) for Christmas?

Happy Llama is happy! Happy Llama is sleeping in after a fun-filled day of gift opening, eggnog drinking, and overdosing on the ol' holly...