
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

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The Daily Grind: What’s the most iconic MMORPG moment or accomplishment in your memory?

Over the weekend, my husband and I decided to let our son watch bits and pieces of Fellowship of the Ring. My kid is...

Fallout 76 still has lots of fun hacks that are being tracked down

What do you get when you combine a company legendary for its ability to release buggy or unpolished games and an online game with...

Black Desert Online cracking down on private servers to community’s dismay

The folks at Kakao Games and Pearl Abyss have announced via an official forum post from GM Rhotaaz that they're cracking down on Black...

Gamigo finally confirms that Trove development will continue after Trion’s firesale

ArcheAge players can breathe a little easier now that they know XL Games is committed to working with Gamigo on keeping the game in...

Worlds Adrift posts Stairway to Haven tutorial video, opens community council nominations

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is yours, and she's ganking you now on your sky ship. Hey don't look at me. It's...

Guild Wars 2 devs and players raised over $65,000 for charity for Extra Life

It's always heartening to see MMO players band together for a good cause, as the Guild Wars 2 community did for the recent Extra...

Warframe’s Fortuna drops this week as the community tackles the Solaris United ARG

Last month, Digital Extremes announced that Warframe's next major content update, Fortuna, is going to be hitting the PC version of the game sometime...
Everyone is very mature.

The Daily Grind: What makes a game feel like an MMO to you?

Bethesda is at it again. Years after its subsidiary bent itself over backwards to protest that Elder Scrolls Online wasn't an MMO, the gaming...

Elite Dangerous’ player-run Fuel Rats have rescued 50,000 stranded pilots to date

One of the worst things that can happen to a pilot in Elite Dangerous is that you run out of fuel in the deep...

Golf MMO Winning Putt is closing down for good in December

Another bummer announcement for MMO players, or at least for MMO players who also like golf: Winning Putt is sunsetting on December 14th. Webzen and...

Netease talks up Diablo Immortal to Chinese fans and onlookers

While American fans at this weekend's BlizzCon went into full-on meltdown mode, NetEase was also telling Chinese fans about the upcoming Diablo Immortal. It...
It only became real very recently.

BlizzCon 2018: What the heck happened?

Every year, I cover BlizzCon for Massively Overpowered. This is not new information; you've all seen my liveblogs running every year for quite some...

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest you’ve ever played a WoW expansion?

During BlizzCon this weekend, Eliot and I were chatting about an article series he's working on different periods in MMORPG history. I mentioned 2009...
Give or take a year, maybe.

EverQuest II kicks off its 14-year anniversary celebration

Can you believe that EverQuest II has been running for 14 years now? We'll give you a moment to scamper off to Wikipedia to...

One Shots: A star is born

It's time for another amazing Fashion Week here at One Shots! It's like Shark Week, only with sleeker looks and less chum. Last time,...
This one hurts.

The Daily Grind: What wildly implausible settings would you like for an MMO?

If you had told me before it happened that we would get an MMO based on the works of Tad Williams, I wouldn't have...
Knives out.

BlizzCon 2018: Diablo Immortal lore, zone, class, and Q&A recap

Blizzard's Wyatt Cheng and Matthew Burger took the stage for the Diablo Immortal Q&A panel at BlizzCon tonight, clearly aware of the drama swirling...

BlizzCon 2018: World of Warcraft Q&A liveblog

Here's the problem with World of Warcraft Q&A sessions every time we have BlizzCon, which is now just one bad idea away from happening...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

BlizzCon 2018: World of Warcraft Classic liveblog

So. World of Warcraft Classic. Did you think you wanted it, but it turns out you don't? Did you think you want it and...

WRUP: Sycamore is a really funny word edition

Seriously, look at that word. Sick-a-more. What a weird word. A lot of words stop sounding real when you say them a bunch of...