
Guides to all the things! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Hyperspace Beacon: Outside-the-box features to look for in a SWTOR guild (or any MMO guild)

On my server in Star Wars: The Old Republic, there are more guild advertisements than chatter in the general channel on the starter planets...

Guild Wars 2 races to fix Path of Fire login and instance creation issues during launch weekend

With the popularity of this month's Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, the pressure is on for ArenaNet to keep the game running as...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Our Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire launch countdown checklist

I can't quite believe that around 18 months of Guild Wars 2 development is about to drop in our laps this week through the Path of...
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Stormblood dungeons in review

Have I really not talked about the dungeons of Stormblood yet? That's unexpected. Usually I would have mentioned them by now, I talk about...

Conan Exiles makes a bold appeal to builders: Just play in god-mode

Lest you think that Conan Exiles is just about crushing your enemies and all that, Funcom has a new dev diary out today elucidating...

Hyperspace Beacon: The 10 best places to find SWTOR content outside the game

Just this week, a long-running Star Wars: The Old Republic fan-made website mentioned that it was shutting down, one among many that have come...

Revelation Online offers tips on battling carp and laying carpets

Has Revelation Online's fishing system reeled you in yet? Does it captivate your life hook, line, and sinker? Do you live for that moment...

EverQuesting: Guide to EverQuest II’s Days of Summer reward event

Did you hear about EverQuest II multi-month Days of Summer reward event? If so, lucky you! Here is an event that was launched with...

Monster Hunter World’s Wildspire Waste trailer is faithful to its name

When you're going into one of the Monster Hunting games, you pretty much know what to expect: big weapons, bigger creatures, biggest battles. And...
Oh no problems.

Here’s your quick guide to SWTOR’s Crisis on Umbara

With Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 5.4 coming out on August 22nd, you may be champing at the bit to get into the...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ Whispering Tide event

Have you met Flappy? If you haven't yet, you might want to do so very soon else you'll miss your chance. That dirty bird...

Going to Mordor in LOTRO? Take this handy guide with you!

Players in Lord of the Rings Online are quickly discovering that Mordor doesn't mess around. The new region will kick your butt and hard,...

Chaos Theory: To Steam or not to Steam your Secret World Legends account

To Steam or not to Steam, that is the Secret World Legends question -- now that the horror game has relaunched on that platform,...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s Tinkerfest 2017

After a few years, it can be difficult for long-time EverQuest II players to get excited over the return of a festival; not only...

Albion Online expands its launch rollout

Some MMOs have launch days, but some MMOs are not Albion Online, which is claiming a good chunk of this week to officially release...

LOTRO’s new light and shadow system looks a lot like the old radiance system

One of Lord of the Rings Online's more infamous systems was radiance, which heavily penalized players' stats in certain dungeons unless they had specific...
Yes, money.

How to find the right MMORPG as a couple

People seemed to quite like my piece last week about how my wife and I wound up married in no small part due to...
We all float up here.

Here’s how to build your first Worlds Adrift airship

You might know by now that that Worlds Adrift is an MMO based around sailing airships to floating islands, but did you know that...
Ideas face challenges when born.

Wisdom of Nym: Currencies in Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood

You know, I was going to talk about the end of the Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood MSQ this week, but I decided against it....

Chaos Theory: Guide to The Secret World’s Templars faction

It's Templar Time! After looking at the Illuminati and delving into the Dragon, it's now time to tie up this trio of guides and...