
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Choose My Adventure: Into the Heart of Thorns

Hello again friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. November is upon us, and that means two things: It's time for another round...

MMO Burnout: Rebel Galaxy

I wanted to like Rebel Galaxy more than I do. That's not to say it's a bad game at all; on the contrary it fills...
Maybe that's the horrible, fundamental blade that sits at the heart of every nudge forward. That if you're forced to really ask yourself for honesty, you realize that love is just a word you use to justify doing hard work for someone who never thanks you in a way you find meaningful or satisfying.

The Park is not single-player The Secret World, but it might be even better

Let's just put our cards on the table: The Park is not the single-player offering that The Secret World fans have been clamoring for...

Choose My Adventure: Settling the homestead in WildStar

Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest (and ostensibly greatest, depending on your perspective) installment of Choose My Adventure. This week, we'll be bidding...

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: How to fix an expansion iteratively

I know I promised you an entry that focused on the changes to the in-game economy as my next installment to the Heart of Thorns...

Hyperspace Beacon: Spoiler-filled impressions of SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire

By now, everyone who was in early access for Knights of the Fallen Empire has played through the story at least once. If not,...

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: Gaining masteries and lessening the grind

I've had the whole weekend with Heart of Thorns now, and I'm progressing very nicely in both the story and masteries. I've still yet to...

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: Initial impressions

I've now put a solid day of playtime into Heart of Thorns, so I decided that it was finally time for the first of my...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Online games and internet addiction

Massively OP's overview of Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt's book The Video Game Debate last month was just the beginning of our coverage of the...

Choose My Adventure: WildStar’s crafting frustrations

Welcome, everyone, to another installment of Choose My Adventure: WildStar edition. Last week, Bonongo Jazz, Chua Spellslinger-slash-Explorer-slash-Architect extraordinaire, arrived at the Dominion outpost of...

First impressions: SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire delivers

For the last few days, I have been playing the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire. My expectations going...

Sword Coast Legends has officially launched today

After a couple of delays over the past few months, Sword Coast Legends is now live on Steam and officially celebrating launch with a lengthy...

Choose My Adventure: Unearthing the mysteries of WildStar’s Levian Bay

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. Last week, you fine folks voted on whether my pwecious wittle Chua Spellslinger would continue his...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raid beta impressions

I don't believe I've ever been more excited -- and simultaneously nervous -- about a beta test than I was for Guild Wars 2's third beta...

Choose My Adventure: Mad science and spellslinging in WildStar

Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to the formulaic introduction to yet another installment of Choose My Adventure. As is tradition, let's start with...

Massively OP’s first impressions of Devilian

Call my stance on Trion World's upcoming Devilian "oh-so-cautiously interested." Personally, I think Trion invited more grief than it wanted with the importation of ArcheAge to...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Modern online game research

Late last year, I published on Massively-that-was a set of articles addressing current research on the relationship between shyness and online game friendships, including a...

Choose My Adventure: Freeloading in WildStar

Hello once again, friends, and welcome to a brand-new edition of Choose My Adventure. As you have probably already surmised, assuming that you read...
Boss of the road.

Here’s a look at the Ranger in Bless’ beta

The final Korean beta test for Bless is officially over, and Steparu has published his final look at the game. He takes the Ranger...

Here are a few more gameplay vids from the Bless beta

Steparu has published another look at this week's Bless Korean beta test. This time around, he tackles a flying tour and reveals that the...