
They said what? They’re using that business model? They hired whom? [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Zorp? Phasers don't go zorp.

Star Trek Online’s former lead producer departs Cryptic

With several series finales and touching moments in history, fans of Star Trek have many ways to say goodbye. Now that former lead producer Maria...

Not So Massively: The Blizzard I loved is dead

This week's Not So Massively column was supposed to be a wishlist of things I want from an announcement of Diablo IV. When I...
Gotta go back in time.

BlizzCon protests begin to officially organize in response to the Hong Kong controversy

In news that will come as no surprise to anyone, word has surfaced of an organized protest scheduled for the first day of BlizzCon....

Lusternia replaces its producer as the text-based MMO/MUD turns 15 years old

The timing for this bit of Lusternia news couldn't be worse, to be completely frank. The MUD's producer, Robb "Estarra" French, has been ejected...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen drops alpha 3.7 as it turns 7 itself

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Star Citizen went absolutely mad with infodumps, and I almost feel sorry for it because it got half...

Daybreak confirms yesterday’s layoffs and ‘realignment of the company into separate franchise teams’

Yesterday, we reported on the sad news that MMORPG company Daybreak Games had suffered yet another round of layoffs. As developers began weighing in...
great googly moogly

Blizzard finally addresses Hong Kong esports fiasco, reducing bans and reinstating prize money

All week, we've been covering the absolute chaos surrounding the punishment of pro Hearthstone esports player Ng “blitzchung” Wai Chung, whom Blizzard banned along...
Clothed descending a staircase.

Betawatch: Superheroic character creation beta battles!

A fantastic fight to flummox and fascinate fans, true believers! It's the showdown of character creator betas for superhero games, as Ship of Heroes prepares...

League of Legends tells casters and pro players to avoid ‘sensitive issues’ at the World Champs

So Riot's not having a good week with the whole China thing either. While the League of Legends studio was able to successfully fend off...
This was a thing.

It looks like Daybreak’s been hit with yet another round of layoffs

Former H1Z1 Technical Director and PlanetSide Arena dev Josh "Autenil" Kriegshauser posted a tweet this evening suggesting that Daybreak has once again undergone layoffs. "Sorry...
So what WILL you take?

Blizzard dev says there’s no internal comms over Hong Kong fiasco: ‘It’s pulling our teams apart at the seams’

Blizzard has yet to publicly respond to the widespread outrage over its decision to ban professional Hearthstone player Blitzchung following his statement of support for...

Mark Kern didn’t just quit WoW Classic: He accused his old Firefall studio of Chinese corruption

Earlier this week, we reported that former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern had very publicly posted that he was quitting WoW over...
Let's dig our way out!

A World of Warcraft LGBT guild has been forced to change its name

Given the fact that this week has been shining a harsh spotlight on Blizzard's enormous mistake over a Hong Kong Hearthstone player, you would think...

Analysts fret over Blizzard’s prospects following wildly unpopular ban of Hong Kong Hearthstone esports star

Anger over the "international incident" sparked by Blizzard's ban of a Hong Kong Hearthstone pro player and apparent firing of two Taiwanese commentators over...

Steam’s Remote Play Together will let local multiplayer games go global

If you've ever had a game that worked only with local multiplayer and you had to either do some fast-hacking or just give up...

Guild Wars 2 studio ArenaNet chased the 2016 Gaile Gray account hacker all the way to Germany – and lost

Back in 2016, MassivelyOP covered an odd story about the Guild Wars franchise and a hack that seemingly involved the account of then-ArenaNet employee...

Shroud of the Avatar finally admits the Kickstarter book is not happening, offers in-game items instead

Yesterday, we covered the bizarre but perhaps expected news that Portalarium has transferred Shroud of the Avatar and other assets to Catnip Games, which...

Funcom roundup: Secret World Legends’ Samhain, Moons of Madness’ launch, and Tencent

Funcom is up to some stuff this week! For starters, Secret World Legends is patching in Samhain today. One of the better Halloween events...

Former Bungie CEO publicly unveils his new multi-studio games company

Harold Ryan, the man who led Bungie for 15 years, has re-entered the games industry with a new company called ProbablyMonsters, which works a...

Shroud of the Avatar changes hands as Portalarium transfers assets to Catnip Games

Hey you know when's a good time to drop potentially bad news? Underneath somebody else's even bigger bad news. Apparently, today it's going to...