MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

Activision-Blizzard Q4 2020: Activision’s revenues are up QoQ and YoY as Blizzard MAUs drop again

We've simply got to stop meeting like this exactly every three months. Yes, it's time for another round of Activision-Blizzard dissembling in the form...

Skyforge launches on Nintendo Switch today with time-limited cosmetics

The time has finally arrived for Skyforge to venture onto a new console in the form of the Nintendo Switch. The game is live today...

Magic Legends begins selling discounted cosmetics bundle ahead of open beta

If for some reason you're angling to buy cosmetics for a game that hasn't released yet - and let's be real, MMO players are...

EVE Online commemorates the Massacre at M2-XFE with data and an in-game monument

We can now officially put a new marker on the annals of EVE Online history. The Massacre at M2-XFE, which was already shaping up...
Take me to iurch (imperial church).

Obituary: ZeniMax Media founder and CEO Robert A. Altman has died

I'm sorry to report that the founder and CEO of ZeniMax Media, Robert A. Altman, has apparently passed away. He was 74. The news...

Enter to win a Star Trek Online PC Alliance Reborn bundle from PWE and MOP

Star Trek Online's House Reborn has been a huge hit for the game, as the 11-year-old MMORPG is seeing a boost in concurrency as...
So here's the deal.

Vague Patch Notes: If this MMO was so good, why didn’t it succeed?

Your mission today, should you choose to accept it, is to participate in an experiment. I want you to write up a nice long...

MMO Business Roundup: Improbable’s defense contracting, Amazon Games’ internal support

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news! Improbable: Back in January, CNBC did a big story on Improbable, the massive Herman...

Elite Dangerous players are apparently being duped into indentured servitude

An Elite Dangerous player and member of the altruistic Fuel Rats group has uncovered what appears to be an insidious scheme while responding to...

Bluehole MMO Elyon shows off the new Slayer class

Do you ever get the feeling that two-handed sword classes in MMORPGs are less about actual swordplay and more about putting on glamorous light...
Guilty or innocent?

The Daily Grind: Are there any live MMOs that seem too old for you to try?

It's easy to overlook the sheer weight of age involved with live MMOs. Sure, it's easy to say that intellectually there's no reason you...

The Stream Team: Finally to the SWTOR Mandalorian flashpoint

After working through the rest of the new Mandalorian story in SWTOR, Massively OP's Larry and MJ have made it to the point of...
snaaake snaaaaake, oooh it's a snaaaaake

Wild Terra 2 plans to add in the map as it promises a growing team for development in Early Access

The team currently developing Wild Terra 2 - which just rolled into early access last week - is small. Quite small, in fact; it currently...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI previews more Voracious Resurgence and Odyssey content coming in February

If you thought that after the last round of content in Sheol: Gaol in Final Fantasy XI you weren't being sufficiently challenged, the game's February...

Albion Online’s new Patch 13 adds the Use All button, updates Avalonian mobs, and refreshes the meta

There's been a nice big patch applied to Albion Online, bringing a bundle of new updates to some of the sandbox MMO's existing content...

EverQuest Online Adventures’ rogue server project, EQOA: Return Home, is still chugging along

Back in 2019, we covered a heartwarming story about EQOA: Return Home, a player-run emulator for EverQuest Online Adventures, which readers will recall was...

Snag an Echo of Soul loot-hoovering Blue Ciskai minipet in honor of The Blue update

Echo of Soul made headlines in 2020 for its brief-lived Steam Blue version, which folded back into the version that Gamigo has been faithfully...

Desert Oasis: Having a blast with Black Desert’s new Nova class

Thanks to the quarantine, it's been a pretty long while since I've gone out and enjoyed some coffee at a cafe and a beer...

Darkfall: Rise of Agon is expanding its paid dev team and launching in Asia

Here's some big news for fans of the Darkfall saga: The last Darkfall version still standing, Darkfall: Rise of Agon, is headed to a...

Perfect Ten: A guide to podcasts for your favorite MMOs

Clearly, your Tuesday schedule every week should have a big fat "LISTEN TO MASSIVELY OP PODCAST" written at 4:00 p.m. EST right on it....