MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]


WildStar’s Nexus Forever emulator previews a mostly functional housing system

Sure, WildStar had some endgame things like high-level Adventures, dungeons, and raids, but for many players (self included), the real endgame was housing. So...
Why Is Trion Like This, Just Kidding, We Actually Know

Gamigo tells MMO players ‘the development of RIFT hasn’t stopped’

It's been a nail-biting year for RIFT players following the collapse of Trion Worlds and the sale of the game over to Gamigo. There's...

Torchlight Frontiers isn’t going to make its original 2019 release window

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, it is probably no surprise that Torchlight Frontiers isn't going to make its earlier projected 2019...

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you wish you could play on the Switch?

I love my Switch, but I feel starved for games to play on it, especially online games. Sure, there are a few out there,...
Word of the day calendar.

MMO Week in Review: Crimson Desert and Path of Exile 2

Korean powerhouse Pearl Abyss dropped a bombshell this week by announcing multiple new MMORPGs, including Crimson Desert, a full-scale AAA MMO due to hit...

Battle Bards Episode 156: Feeling blue

Is blue a color? An emotion? A song? An overused alien skin tone? One thing is for certain: Blue shows up an awful lot...
Hammer, war, whatever.

The MOP Up: Warhammer Odyssey’s Slayer warms up for action

Who will you be when you adventure in Warhammer Odyssey's mobile world? The stocky and surly Dwarf Slayer would like to make a bid...

EVE Online catches players up on new tutorials, UI changes, and EVE Invasion

EVE Online is a bit late in kicking this video out, but if you happened to not be watching EVE Vegas this year,...

Global Chat: EverQuest II’s 15 years of being in WoW’s shadow

For just a few short weeks of its now 15-year lifespan, EverQuest II existed apart from a launched World of Warcraft. Then late November...

One Shots: The miseries of camping

Isn't camping wonderful? Reconnecting with nature, smelling like smoke, and sleeping with a canvas wall between you and predators? Obviously, it's not for everyone,...
I'm purely decorative!

The Daily Grind: What’s your ideal event reward for seasonal content?

I don't like seasonal events that award pets. I understand why that's a reward, of course; lots of people like having pets, some games...

Make My MMO: Book of Travels’ Kickstarter travels past $150K and promises a player music system

This week in MMO crowdfunding, the Kickstarter for Book of Travels journeyed onward as Might and Delight has now pulled in over $150K mark...

Astellia’s content roadmap touts a PvP battleground, new zones, new dungeons, and Astel equipment

Astellia has plans. Lots of plans. Big plans. Plans that stretch out into 2020's first quarter and onward. The devs have laid out their...

Guild Wars 2 talks about Strike Mission bosses in Whisper in the Dark and confirms more Mastery Points

Curious about the Whisper in the Dark episode coming to Guild Wars 2 next week? Do you have roughly 30 minutes of time to...

WoW Classic activates PvP honor and world bosses

You better savor these content updates, WoW Classic players, because there are only a finite number of them left. Out of all of the...

LOTRO Legendarium: First impressions of Minas Morgul

To kick off this early look at Lord of the Rings Online: Minas Morgul, I want to start by taking a step back to...

Elder Scrolls Online posts an update regarding fixes to the Activity Finder

Remember that Undaunted event in The Elder Scrolls Online? The one that had to be shut down after only a few hours due to...

The Daily Grind: Are ‘limited’ MMO classes a good idea?

Ever since its introduction into Final Fantasy XIV, the Blue Mage class has proved divisive among the community as a "limited" class. The thought...

ExileCon 2019: A look at Path of Exile 2, the Metamorph league, Conquerors of the Atlas, and mobile

So much happened on stage at ExileCon 2019, Path of Exile's inaugural fan convention! What started with a visit from the great beast hunter...
All the things.

Betawatch: Pearl Abyss announces all the things

Remember when Riot Games was all like "ha ha, we're going to announce all the titles ever, eat that?" Pearl Abyss looked at that...