
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Albion Online characterizes layoffs as downsizing to ‘pre-release beta testing’ levels

Earlier this week, we got a tip claiming that the Albion Online team had been severely cut back before Christmas, perhaps as much as...

Pokemon Go adds monthly community events, summons giant (pokemon) whale

Still playing Pokemon Go? Wish you were, but couldn't find a group to raid with? Or maybe you are in a group but want to...

Darkfall: New Dawn tacks on titles and opens local banks for business

Did anyone in class today remember that Darkfall: New Dawn is officially launching, oh, next week? Don't worry, it kind of slipped our mind...

Darwin Project lets players and hosts explore their inner griefer

So you probably expected a bunch of battle royale games to pop up on Steam this year, given the remarkably popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds...

EverQuest and EverQuest II tease plans for 2018

Daybreak has lavished the EverQuest and EverQuest II websites with community letters from producer Lauren "Mooncast" McLemore. Both MMOs just came off a pair...
Finally, you can terrorize in peace.

Dark and Light patches in the new mobile fortress for all your supervillain lair needs

Good news, friends! Are you tired of dealing with all of the hassles of a fortress down on land, like the constant sieges and...
Liches do it with nothing.

World of Warcraft confirms that raid boss health bump is a mistake and being fixed

It was sort of a smack in the face to go to old raids in World of Warcraft yesterday. Not in the slap-in-the-face disrespectful...

Black Desert banned 647 cheaters over the last month, mostly fish botters, which is a thing

Thinking about cheating in Black Desert? Probably not; cheaters are hiding out in the bowels of the internet trading hacks with the other script...
Danger, Will Robinson!

Ship of Heroes gives more love to its warehouse district

Who knew that warehouses could be so exciting? Don't say such things to Ship of Heroes, because this superhero MMO is currently enthralled with...

Ex-Cryptic devs are making an Aliens shooter set in a persistent world

Way back in 2016, a trio of former Cryptic developers -- Craig Zinkievich, Shannon Posniewski, and Matt Highison -- struck out on their own to...
A prison of your own making.

Fortnite’s map update spawns a new city and biomes today

It may not be exactly all-new, but Fortnite's battle royale map is definitely improved thanks to today's loudly trumpeted update. Patch V.2.2.0 expands and enhances the...

Camelot Unchained lands $7.5M investment to hasten development: Our chat with Mark Jacobs on funding, VR, and beta one

If you know one thing about indie MMORPG Camelot Unchained, it's that CEO Mark Jacobs appears to dwell perpetually in internet comment sections amiably...
What even is this any more.

Bless Online team promises that the game is coming to early access ‘as soon as possible’

The whole saga of development for Bless Online has been a lot of false starts and half-launches (the short version is that the game...

Crowfall’s Raph Koster goes into insane depth on the cost of creating video games

If you have an exceptional memory, you might recall that a couple of months ago, Crowfall and Star Wars Galaxies designer Raph Koster wrote...

Pantheon recaps 2017 and looks at harvesting

Are you pinning your hope and hype in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen for future MMO entertainment? Then you'll definitely not want to miss...

SMITE unleashes the dog from hell

It's not Hagrid's dog from Harry Potter and it's most certainly not the evil corporation from Mass Effect 2, but SMITE's Cerebus brings both...

Just Survive wipes and starts over for the sake of ‘fair play’

Yes. There is indeed a yeti with a sniper rifle in the header. Let us all pretend that he doesn't exist and he might...

Age of Conan busts out a (small) patch, says saga server info coming soon

There's a heartbeat in Age of Conan after all! Funcom turned its attention to the maintenance moded MMO this week with a small patch, pleasing...
Boring plus boring equals still boring. Today in boring math.

Paragon is slowing down because the game just isn’t growing

It's a good thing that Paragon fans have gotten a detailed and straightforward update on the state of the game and its development future...

Secret World Legends patch lays foundation for more events

Scraps of hope, brief Twitter conversations, and small hotfixes: These are the things that the Secret World Legends community are hanging onto these days...